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The U.S. flag was still there on the Moon

Extraordinary! The phrase was uttered spontaneously after LRO satellite images in a resolution never before obtained a resounding success reveals one of the great puzzles of the saga of human landing on the Moon: the fate of the flag planted on the ground Month. Throughout human landing on the Moon missions that have lasted up to six times in the period 1969 to 1972 in the form of missions Apollo 11 through Apollo 17, except for Apollo 13 oxygen tank explosion that had the command module so that the moon landings were canceled, there is also a six flags has been plugged in every point landing. Overall is the U.S. flag.

U.S. Flag on human landing on the Moon, the Apollo missions 15 (left) and Apollo 17 (right), taken at nearly the same distance. Sources: NASA, 1971 & 1972.
Flag to be one of the hot topics in the discourse of human landing on the Moon. The skeptic presents flag "fly" (while true form of static stretching flag) as one reason for the denial of landing humans on the Moon and considered nonsense and deception model of the Cold War. Instead the optimists think the flag poles live without fabric. For the base material of nylon, it is difficult to imagine how the fabric flags can survive in harsh environments month. Over the past four decades, cloth flags are in vacuum conditions with exposure to extreme heat as high as 100 degrees Celsius during the month (over 14 Earth days) and then followed by exposure to very cold freeze (as low as minus 180 degrees Celsius) at night the Moon (all 14 days Earth too) with exposure to excessive ultraviolet rays sun, cosmic rays from the Sun and from across and micrometeorites. With such a harsh environment, it's no wonder many are meranmalkan cloth flag on the Moon has terkelantang, degraded, torn, or even terdesintegrasi so that it crumbled to dust.

Condition flag carried in the human landing on the moon mission in folded condition two before installed. On the right top is the top of the flagpole with a folded-over penyiku and already terpasangi flag. Meanwhile, at the bottom is the bottom of the flag pole driven into the ground wishing Month with two notches markers indicating a limit to how far this can go in part to the ground Month. On the right is a hinge lock for penyiku-up, while on the left is the key liaison for the top and bottom of the flag pole. Sources: NASA, 1969

Is this true?

Satellite launch moon probe LRO (Lunar Orbiter Reconaissance) on June 18, 2009 offers the opportunity to analyze how the fate of flags planted on the lunar surface indirectly. The satellite is intended to map global topography of the Moon, characterize the space radiation in lunar orbit and explore the moon's poles to look for the possibility of the existence of water on the Moon brings a very high resolution camera that is able to identify objects up to the size of 0.5 meters in height thanks to the Moon orbit ( which is only 50 km from the surface of the Moon) and the nature of its orbit (orbit polar / polar). These capabilities make the LRO satellite for the first time been able to identify the traces left in the program four decades ago human landing on the Moon. The trail includes the rest of the modules Month, the scientific investigation, footprints of astronauts and furrows moon rover vehicle wheel.
Flag of the Moon really is not a target of the investigation LRO, because the flag pole diameter is only 2 cm, it is difficult to identify in the LRO images. The only way possible is to detect shadow flag cloth under the hot sun. With a cloth flag size 1.5 meters x 1 meter for Apollo 11 through 15, then the shadow of the flag fabric can be detected LRO satellite cameras. By taking a number of images in any lighting condition the Sun, for example, since after sunrise, low altitude of the Moon in the eastern sky, low altitude in the western sky moon up ahead of the sunset, the shadow of the flag followed how the dynamics can be studied so that the location of the flag can be ascertained. Of course with a note if cloth flag was still there.
In addition it should be noted also notes Edwin Aldrin, Apollo 11 astronauts. In his book Return to Earth as thick as 239 pages, Aldrin said that upheld flag with Neil Armstrong on Mare Transquilitatis, with a flag pole along the 2.7 meter by 0.6 meter plugged them into the land of the Moon, has collapsed due to its position so close to the moon module. So that when the module is turned back (to return to Earth), powerful bursts gasbuang cause fabric flag with pole crashed to the ground. LRO satellite imagery is indeed confirmed Aldrin records.
So the only remaining five-point just where the flag may still remain. From the fifth point, LRO is brilliantly able to identify the flag (actually a shadow flag) at three points, namely at the landing site of Apollo 12, Apollo 16 and Apollo 17.
On the Apollo 12 landing site, a flag planted with locking hinge mechanism on penyiku-up was damaged, so the fabric flags became limp, not stretched as well as the flag on the Apollo 11 landing point. Still in the land of the shadow of the Moon flag fabric printed clearly. Based on the image of the Apollo 12 astronauts, high at the sun 10 degrees above the eastern horizon, the shadow of the flag fabric stretches as far as 2.8 meters up to 12 meters from the base of the flagpole. With land at Moon landing site tend to be flat, shade cloth flag on the Apollo 12 landing site is quite clearly seen in the LRO images. By the time the sun just rising (high sun only 8 degrees above the eastern horizon), shade cloth banner stretched up along the 15 meters to the west. Similarly, when the sun goes down approach (high sun 6 degrees above the western horizon), shade cloth flags stretching up to 20 meters, this time to the east.
Animation Apollo 12 landing site and shade cloth flag, composed by five LRO satellite images, each taken in different lighting, ie when the sun high above 8 degrees east horizon, 32 degrees above the eastern horizon, 59 degrees above the western horizon, 9 degrees above the western horizon and 6 degrees above the western horizon. Sources: NASA, 2012.
While the Apollo 16 landing site, the locking hinge mechanism works well so that the fabric can be stretched like a flag should have been. However, due to the module is installed too close to the Moon, gasbuang bursts when the module restarts cause flagpole tilted up to 30 degrees. Thus, the shadow of the flag of the resulting fabric is not as long a shadow cloth flag at the landing site of Apollo 12. However LRO satellite able to identify it properly.
Animation Apollo 16 landing site and shade cloth flag, composed by seven LRO satellite images, each taken in different lighting, ie when the sun high above 8 degrees east horizon, 10 degrees above the eastern horizon, 43 degrees above the eastern horizon, 69 degrees above the eastern horizon, 61 degrees above the western horizon, 7 degrees above the western horizon and 2 degrees above the western horizon. Sources: NASA, 2012.
It is also common at the Apollo 17 landing site. Flag cloth size 20% larger than the other with a flagpole stuck deeper, so that they can survive without shifting / tilt modules when exposed to bursts gasbuang month when switched on again. This makes satellite LRO was able to identify the flag with fabric shade well.
Animation Apollo 17 landing site and shade cloth flag, composed by six LRO satellite images, each taken in different lighting, ie when the sun high above 8 degrees east horizon, 11 degrees above the eastern horizon, 35 degrees above the eastern horizon, 68 degrees above the eastern horizon, 26 degrees above the western horizon and 5 degrees above the western horizon. Sources: NASA, 2012.

What about the fate of the flag at the landing site of Apollo 14 and Apollo 15? The photos of the Apollo 14 astronauts indicates flag is mounted in place pushed it into the stretched condition when the moon module restarts. Even in the case of Apollo 15 landing site. But could not identify the LRO satellite shadow cloth flag in both the landing site. What cause is still unclear, although allegations have been degraded to the flag off of the pole or the lighting conditions when the Sun is less support LRO to image.

Description: The U.S. flag was still there on the Moon Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Egi Dwi Purnomo ItemReviewed: The U.S. flag was still there on the Moon
Posted by:Mbah Qopet
Mbah Qopet Updated at: 3:05 PM


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