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Tips to Buying a Telescope

Buying a telescope is certainly a lot of his or her choice. Starting from the telescope that cost hundreds of thousands to hundreds of millions. Before unpacking more about tips on buying a telescope, will advance in the mentioned restrictions on telescope that will be purchased include:

    Decent telescope for astronomical observations.
    Telescopes bought in intended for users with beginner to intermediate level.

Telescope, For What?

Did not know it was love. That is the most fitting expression when we are dealing with something that we have. Before we buy a telescope, it would be better we know in advance what it is about telescopes. Instrumentation astronomical telescope is used to view celestial objects at great distances. Celestial objects could be the moon, stars, galaxies, star clusters and nebulae. The telescope is generally known as binocular telescopes nevertheless also allows you to see objects that exist on the surface of the earth as seen the mountain top, the bird perched in a tree and shoot a tiger at a distance of 100 meters. The telescope that we use have two types namely the type refractor telescope that uses a lens or as a light collector and reflector type of telescope that uses a mirror as a light collector. Both types of telescope has advantages and disadvantages. Type refractor telescope is perfect for observation planetary sky objects such as the moon, planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn), and the star was a reflector telescope is perfect for observing objects that have sky lights dim as the galaxy, star clusters and nebulae. Well after we know the types of telescopes and its advantages, now you want to know what type of telescope? Refractor telescope suitable for planetary object or reflector telescope suitable for observation of faint celestial objects (galaxies, star clusters and nebulae)

Telescope tube

Such as motorcycles, the telescope tube is the engine of the motorcycle. In general the telescope tube is already contained several components such as lenses (refractor), mirror (reflector) and focusser. Her bad either a telescope in displaying an object is determined by the quality of the light collecting media (read: the lens or mirror). At refractor telescope, the lens will be a very vital when you do not notice. One just choose the lens you choose the quality of the resulting picture will be different. Good lens is a lens made of glass and has been coated with the coating (Coating). Decent lens coatings or coating for his general observations have been using magnesium fluoride coating materials so that the coating is the quality of the resulting picture will be sharper and better than lenses that are not in the coating. If your funds allow, choose a telescope that has been using this type of lens Apocromatik or often called ED lens (his regular on a series of such brands telescope ED120). ED lenses or extra dispersion Low quality lenses that can divide three types of waves generated colors so images are very sharp and clear than the telescope that is still using cromatik lens which can only divide the two waves of color.

In a telescope lens coating greenish color

Diameter of the light collectors

Both lenses and mirrors, her large diameter is one of the light gathering power of the telescope. The larger the diameter of the lens or mirror, the greater the light collected. Many of his light that we can gather through a telescope will clarify the shape of the image celestial objects. Celestial objects have a weak magnitude as nebulae and galaxies requires a large enough diameter. In reflecting telescope, the mirror diameter is generally larger due to light-functionalized weak light can be caught. But there are also refractor telescope that has a large diameter. For comparison a very sharp, when you have money 2.5 Million, you will be able to have a refractor telescope with a diameter of about 80 mm but if you buy you will get a reflector telescope reflector telescope with a diameter of approximately 130 mm.

F the caretaker enlargement

F or focal length or more popularly as the focal length is a power of two telescopes after diameter. The longer the larger F magnifying. Sentences just have a general formula in the world of astronomy. The meaning of the sentence is longer exposed lies the focal point of the lens or mirror the greater the enlargement resulting from a telescope when we look at using the eyepiece. Magnification telescope has a formula, magnification = F Objective: F eyepiece. Enlargement will be generated when the focal length of the objective lens divided by the focal length of the eyepiece. Focal length has units of millimeters (mm), but there is also a mention of his like F / 4 which means that F is generated has a length of four times the length of the diameter of the objective lens.
If we compare between refractor and reflector, refractor his general long-term F is greater than the reflector. F refractor has a longer, that's why refractor is very suitable to be applied to planetary objects such as the moon, planets, and stars a strong magnitude. Planetary objects has a magnitude that is strong enough so that the light gathering is not so noted and the observation magnification planetary objects are more dominant than light gathering.
Broadly speaking, I formulated in choosing a telescope. Good telescope is a telescope that has a large diameter and has a long F. But again I say, If you want to buy a telescope object first decide what you want to observe more dominant? If it is a planetary objects such as the moon, planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn), and air-magnitude star options are powerful refractor telescope, but if you want to observe objects such deepsky Galaxies, nebulae and star clusters reflector telescope is a great choice appropriate. You need to know refractor telescope can also be used to view galaxy, nebula and star clusters although not as good as the reflector so its reverse reflector telescope also allows you to view the moon, planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) and the stars.

Mounting telescope

Mounting or better known as the cradle familiar telescope is divided into two types: type mounting equatorial and altazimuth mounting types. Mounting Equatorial works using 3 pieces axis is the axis of RA, Declination and the Equator. 'm Using 2 pieces altazimuth mounting axis is the x axis or altitude (up and down) and the Y or the azimuth (left-right). For operation of an altazimuth mounting is much easier than the equatorial mounting. When you next want to seriously study astronomy the equatorial mounting option is the right choice.

Description: Tips to Buying a Telescope Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Egi Dwi Purnomo ItemReviewed: Tips to Buying a Telescope
Posted by:Mbah Qopet
Mbah Qopet Updated at: 4:51 AM


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