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Crows can distinguish Friends and Enemies

Brain scans show how the crow distinguish friend from foe. You learn from the crow that you have done wrong, but you can not hide from them.

Wild crows remember the human face in the same way mammals do. American crow Corvus brachyrhynchos distinguish human faces and remember how different people treat them.

John Marzluff, environmentalists University of Washington in Seattle, and colleagues used a latex mask while catching 12 liarCorvus brachyrhynchos crow.

Crow learns to associate the mask kidnappers with a traumatic experience. While in captivity, the ravens fed and see people wearing different masks.

After 4 weeks of brain scans done when they saw the kidnapper or mask feeding. The pattern looks similar to the mammalian brain.

Mask feeding area event trigger motivation and reward. Meanwhile, kidnappers stimulate display area associated with fear.

Description: Crows can distinguish Friends and Enemies Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Egi Dwi Purnomo ItemReviewed: Crows can distinguish Friends and Enemies
Posted by:Mbah Qopet
Mbah Qopet Updated at: 1:31 AM


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